Book 778 David Gemmell – Legend

Sure the list has it’s fair share of pretentious european authors but it also challenges me and takes me out of my comfort zone. Trust me , i’d never see the day I’d actually read heroic fantasy , furthermore , liking it would be even rarer.  Anyway this is my first foray into the genre and I’m glad I did so.

The warriors of Drenai are being invaded by Ulric and Nadir tribesman , knowing that they will lose , The Earl calls the mighty legend Druss to fight one last battle in the hope that The Drenai win their land back. The thing is Druss is now old and is not as fit as he used to be. Despite this , he goes off to train the drenai soldiers and fight with them.

There’s much more ,  people who can invade dreams , magical swords and some battle scenes but Legend is basically about Druss  and how he is coping with the title ‘Legend’ , old age and whether he was destined to be a warrior.

Do not be fooled. Legend is a complex philosophical novel, yet incredibly readable and exhilarating. If you have never read fantasy , well you’ve a book to start off with!