Book 993 Edward St. Aubyn – Mother’s Milk

Although this book is the third part of the ‘Some Hope’ trilogy but, as in my case, did not read the aforementioned series of books, Mother’s Milk can be read independently.

One thing that struck me instantly about the book is St. Aubyn’s writing style. Conversational, yet witty. Acerbic but warm. Throughout the book I kept laughing and extinguishing quickly within the next sentence. So powerful is the use of language that the novel will ensnare you right away.

The main focus of Mother’s Milk is clearly ‘Middle Age’ and poses the question on what a man, with a troubled past and a comfortable present do?  with main protagonist Patrick Melrose, he solves this by 1) having an affair, 2) worrying on whether he will be the ideal role model for his newly born son 3) moves to America.

When focusing on minute details and the inner workings of Patrick’s mind, St. Aubyn simply dazzles. Ultimately Melrose is a very complex character and yet wants things to be simple but can’t due to his multi-angled reasoning.  St. Aubyns sense of satire is rich as well as his portrayal of the U.S. as a consumer machine has to be read.

Oddly enough I am having a hard time in describing the novel, mainly because it’s very true to life. I feel that middle-aged men (thankfully I haven’t reached that time yet) do have these thoughts and St. Aubyn captures that. Maybe because I cannot relate to this 100% so I am a bit hesitant in placing my views down here.

Ultimately , though Mother’s Milk is a very enjoyable read and it has a fresh feel all over it.