Annie Ernaux, Tanya Leslie (Translator) – Simple Passion

How many times have I said on the blog that the less is more approach always yields powerful results. Annie Ernaux has perfected it with Simple Passion.

In essence the novella is a little under 50 pages and focuses on a two year love affair Ernaux had in the late 80’s/90’s with a married man, called A. The book begins with Ernaux obsessing and thinking about the person. This ranges from being attentive to the telephone, noticing A’s clothes and wondering if they are watching the same television programs when apart. In other words it’s complete infatuation.

Then A. leaves and then Ernaux goes longs for him until she accepts that he will not return to her.

We jump to 1991 and A, decides to call and they meet. It would be churlish to say what happens then.

Simple Passions is a bit of deceptive title. Trust me the feelings the narrator goes through are quite complex: every detail and movement from the lover are documented, we readers feel Ernaux’s pain and loneliness when A. is not there. Yet she understands that this type of love can be disillusioning as well.

As a portrait of obsessive love, I think Simple Passions is one of the best I’ve read. Considering that it is a memoir, makes it more poignant. I also like how the author gradually accepts her role in this type of affair. This may be a tiny book but it will have a huge impact.

Many thanks to Fitzcarraldo for providing a copy of Simple Passion

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