Annie Ernaux, Alison L. Strayer (Translator) – A Girl’s Story

As I’m reading Annie Ernaux’s books that Fitzcarraldo are publishing backwards , I’m noticing certain details mentioned in later novels which, get expanded on. In Simple Passion Ernaux mentions the date 11th September 1958 and, naturally, I was curious about that. A Girl’s Story expands on that date.

In 1958 Annie Ernaux was 18, finished school and applied to work at a summer camp. During that time she lost her virginity prior to that her knowledge of sex was minimal. As one could guess the expectation was greater than actuality but it is important because helped Ernaux see things differently and it leads to a sexual awakening and other consequences such as a bulimia and an interest in feminism, especially how the male treats a female.

A Girl’s Story is slightly different than the ones I’ve read. Ernaux not only documents the events but she takes a step back and analyses her actions; was sleeping with someone a correct move?, should I be the servant of someone who makes love to me? is having one’s period dirty? It’s a bit more introspective than the previous 2 volumes. I guess one could say that this is a coming of age story but a brainier one.

Many thanks to Fitzcarraldo for providing a copy of A Girl’s Story

2 thoughts on “Annie Ernaux, Alison L. Strayer (Translator) – A Girl’s Story

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