Mastersystem – Dance Music


Isn’t it weird that a good number of supergroups have been cropping up in the last few years? Whereas in the past it would be a clash of egos it is now something to look forward to. Mastersystem consists of members from Editors Frightened Rabbit  Minor Victories ( a supergroup itself) and yourcodename is milo

Musically there’s a heavy 90’s American Alt influence. I can hear echoes of Smashing Pumpkins and even Foo Fighters in there but I also hear plaintive cries of Fugazi as well. I acknowledge that it is rather cheap to write about comparisons but as someone who grew up in this era, I can’t help band dropping.

What is important is whether the songs are great and trust me, they are! Notes on a life not Quite Lived is the grunge anthem that would have taken MTV Europe by storm. Teething is a moshpit delight. The Enlightenment has a choruses that will have you singing along and the closer Bird is Bored of Flying is exactly how an album like should close.

To be honest I didn’t expect a bit of a nostalgia trip with Mastersystem but I am not complaining. If there’s good riffs, great choruses and lots of loud/quiet dynamic I’m happy.

Anwen Crawford – Live Through This.


This review was originally on Goodreads.

I first listened to Live Through This back in 2003, which is pretty late and to be honest I re-listened to it recently – I like do to that before I read the book – and that strong 90’s alt sound makes the album feel a bit dated (except Asking for it) but lyrically it still is very relevant.

Anyway Anwen Crawford dissects the album and she does a fantastic job. First of all I like the fact that she dispels the silly rumors that Kurt Cobain wrote the album and the other Courtney Love conspiracy theories. Also she doesn’t just focus on Courtney Love but on the band, especially during the recording process. Thirdly I like the fact that Crawford contacted the fans and got their opinons on Live Through This AND she interviewed producers Paul Q. Koldrie and Sean Slade. The end result is an insightful book about an album that is a gateway to Riot Grrrl culture and is the work of a person who wanted to make a powerful statement of independence.